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Application and principle:

This method describes the removal of localized fat in the subcutis via a suction device.
It may be applied in case of pathological maldistribution of fat (such as in lipomatoses, lipomastia, extensive lipomas). More commonly, this technique is applied for cosmetic reasons (such as removal of unwanted fatty tissue at the thighs and hips).

This method can also be used to harvest fat in order to reimplant it at a different location in order to fill a defect or augment certain structures (such as lips, breats, etc.).
Liposuction is typically performed under tumescenst anaesthesia (see above). Due to the great volume of the tumescent liquid, fat cells are mobilized readily which can be further enhanced by applying either ultrasound or specific viratory gadgets. After this procedure, the fat may be collected and prepared for further use in augmentation procedures.

Risks and side effects

Nerve damage with persistent dysesthesias may occur, as well as bruising of the skin over extensive areas due to distribution of blood into the skin. Also, furrows and asymmetry may result in the treated areas, as well as pronounciation of existing skin folds, as elasticity, especially in the elderly, is compromised. In rare cases, necrosis of the tissue, perforation of body cavities and thromboses may occur.